Irish Whiskey Guide

Discover a wealth of knowledge in your indispensable guide to barrel craft, cocktail recipes, and the art of savouring whiskey. Immerse yourself in a world where expertise meets passion with regular updates featuring insights from our globally acclaimed whiskey experts. The Whiskey Guide is more than just a repository of information; it’s a collaborative effort that brings together the finest minds in the industry, illuminating the vast landscape of whiskey.

Imagine the Whiskey Guide as your personal whiskey companion, offering essential tips and exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses into the groundbreaking craft that defines our commitment. It serves as your go-to resource for everything related to cask, barrel, and bond – a comprehensive journey into the heart and soul of whiskey culture. So, join us on this exploration, where every update unfolds new layers of expertise and adds depth to your understanding of the nuanced world of whiskey. Cheers to a continual journey of discovery and appreciation!

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When to use smaller barrels

When it comes to ingredients, whiskey is a fairly simple and straightforward liquid. You can’t use anything other than grain, water, and yeast to produce it. But as soon as it hits the barrel—where it will develop the majority of its flavour— things start to get complicated. There are so many variables at play at […]

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